1948年版的《光溪馬氏宗譜》 原始文件

马鸿昌 (第25代)

1948年版体现了以前版本的信息。总共有11个文献记载光溪馬氏宗譜的先前版本。对于古人出版的每个版本,编辑都添加了一个或多个序言,并通过添加新的后代名称和其他详细信息来扩展家谱树。从1948年版的这些序言和其他文件中,我们可以确定至少有11个光溪馬氏宗譜的先前版本,即:1275、1411、1514、1532、1580、1623、1796、1847、1884, 1916年,1948年。这些版本的十个序言包含在1948年版本中。 1847年版有两个序言。但是,1796年版的序言未包含在1948年版中。


族谱最初分为六个不等长的卷,外加一个介绍卷。因此,实际上它有7卷。有关目录的详细信息,请参阅另一份题为“ 光溪馬氏宗谱的目录”的文档。

1948 Bright Creek Ma/Marr Family Genealogy Cover







第4卷:电子文件2.0221至2.0242提供了从宋朝到中华民国的精选个人的历史记录。文件2.0222包含第一代到第六代的重要详细信息。同样,很奇怪的是,地原公(Henry Marr)的条目记在文件2.0242中,这是第4卷的最后一页。有点混乱,因为他不是宋代。在之前的一次交谈中,我曾与父亲在一起(那是在我找到这份历史性文件之前),他告诉我编辑委员会没钱了,请他捐出一大笔钱。我相信这个要求一定是在完成族谱之后才发生的,因此为了表彰他对本版的贡献,他们添加了他的简历。可能,唯一方便添加关于他的文章的地点是在第4卷结尾处,尽管这是一个相当奇怪的地方。


Topic话题年 / 评论
1.0001IntroductionInside Cover彝倫攸叙
1.0002IntroductionLast (1948) Revision Preface重修光溪馬氏宗譜敘1948 Republic of China
1.0003IntroductionEditors of 1948 Revision重修馬氏宗譜題名錄1948 Republic of China
1.0004Introduction1916 Revision Preface重修光溪馬氏宗譜序1926 Republic of China
1.0005IntroductionEditors of 1916 Revision重修馬氏宗譜題名錄1926 Republic of China
1.0006Introduction1884 Revision Preface光溪馬氏重修譜序1884 Qing Dynasty
1.0007IntroductionEditors of 1884 Revision重修馬氏宗譜題名錄1884 Qing Dynasty
1.0008Introduction1847 Revision Preface 1 (only partial)重修馬氏宗譜序1847 Qing Dynasty
1.0009Introduction1847 Revision Preface 2重修馬氏宗譜序1847 Qing Dynasty
1.0010Introduction1847 Revision Preface 2重修馬氏宗譜序1847 Qing Dynasty
1.0011IntroductionEditors of 1847 Revision重修馬氏宗譜題名錄1847 Qing Dynasty
1.0012Introduction1623 Revision Preface天啓重修譜序1623 Ming Dynasty
1.0013Introduction1580 Revision Preface萬厯重修譜序1580 Ming Dynasty
1.0014Introduction1532 Revision Preface嘉靖重修譜序1532 Ming Dynasty
1.0015Introduction1514 Revision Preface正德甲戌馬湖房譜序1514 Ming Dynasty
1.0016Introduction1411 Revision Preface永樂間創造譜序1411 Ming Dynasty
1.00171.0018Introduction1275 Revision Preface宋扶風氏馬宗譜序1275 Southern Song Dynasty
1.00191.0020Volume 1Table of Contents馬氏宗譜目錄
1.0021Volume 1Introduction to the Rules凡例引
1.0022Volume 1Listing Rules凡例
1.0023Volume 1Listing Rules凡例
1.00241.0025Volume 1Start of Volume: 1 Origin of the Family Name‘重修馬氏宗譜卷之一: 姓源世系辨’1847 Qing Dynasty: See research notes
1.00261.0027Volume 1Relocation Narrative遷居記1847 Qing Dynasty: See research notes
1.0028Volume 1Generation Line up行第引1948
1.0029Volume 2Introduction to generation tree‘重修馬氏宗譜卷之二 世系’
1.00301.0097Volume 2Generation Tree世系圖
1.0098Volume 3Pass Down Introduction世传
1.0099Volume 3Generation Details G1 to G4馬氏宗譜
1.01001.0260Volume 3Generation Details G5 —馬氏宗譜
2.00012.0220Volume 3Generation Details G5 —馬氏宗譜
2.0203Volume 3Details of Mary (George Wong) Meiling and Evelyn馬氏宗譜
2.0216Volume 3Details of William Alec and George馬氏宗譜
2.0217Volume 3Details of Ted馬氏宗譜
2.0205Volume 3Details of Uncle Desun馬氏宗譜
2.0218Volume 3Details of Uncle Desun oldest three sons馬氏宗譜
2.02192.0220Volume 3Details of Cousin Yuling (his father is Desun’s Brother馬氏宗譜
2.0221Volume 4Inroductions on Short write-ups of individuals世表
2.0222Volume 4Short write-ups of Song Dynasty Individuals (G1 to G6)宋:世表
2.0223Volume 4Short write-ups of Song Dynasty Individuals (G7 to G??)元:世表
2.02242.0239Volume 4Short write-ups of Ming Dynasty Individuals明: 世表
2.02402.0241Volume 4Short write-ups of 7 Honorable Wives孺人世表
2.0242Volume 4Short write-ups of Henry Ma马地元君,字圻源
2.0243Volume 5Introduction to Important Writings藝文小序
2.0244Volume 51623 Revision Commentary Spectrum天啓重修譜跋
2.0245Volume 5Zhengde Mahu Line Spectrum Words正德馬湖房譜弁語
2.02462.0247Volume 5Yuben Line Note裕本堂記
2.0248Volume 5Notes from the ancestral temple繼先庵記
2.02492.0250Volume 5In Praise of the Easrliest Progenitors Emigration始遷祖大有公贊
2.0251Volume 5In Praise of Grandfather Haoshan 80th birthday後山公八秩夀序
2.0252Volume 5In Praise of Grandfather North Creek 70th birthday北溪公七十夀序
2.0253Volume 5In Praise of Grandfather BaoYang 80th birthday賓晹公八旬喜祝長春圖序
2.0254Volume 5In Praise of Grandfather BaoYang 80th birthday東瀾公贊
2.02552.0256Volume 5In Praise of Grandfather Meixian 60th birthday梅軒公六旬夀序
2.0257Volume 5In Praise of Grandfather Meixian 80th birthday梅軒公八秩夀序
2.0258Volume 5In Praise of Noble Lady Zhu 60th birthday諸氏孺人六旬夀序
2.0259Volume 5In Praise of Noble Lady Zhu 80th birthday諸氏孺人八旬夀序
2.0260Volume 5Eulogy of Grandfather Meixian梅軒公墓誌銘
2.0261Volume 5In Praise of the portrait of Grandfather Nansan and Noble Lady Ying南山公暨應孺人像贊
2.0262Volume 5In Praise of Noble Lady Ying 70th birthday應氏孺人七袠夀序
2.0263Volume 5In Praise of Grandfather Yiquan 70th birthday怡泉公七旬夀序
2.0264Volume 5In Praise of the portrait of Grandfather Nancun and Noble Lady Zhan南川公曁詹孺人像贊
2.0265Volume 5In Praise of Grandfather Binhu 60th birthday賓湖公六十夀序
2.0266Volume 5In Praise of Grandfather Binhu 70th birthday賓湖公七旬夀圖歌
2.0267Volume 5In Praise of Grandfather Binhu 80th birthday賓湖公八袠夀敘
2.02682.0270Volume 5In Praise of the Life of Grandfather Binhu賓湖公行狀
2.02712.0272Volume 5In Praise of Grandfather Jinhu襟湖公傳
2.0273Volume 5Self reflections when in prison獄中自訣語錄
2.0274Volume 5In Praise of Life of King Qiaomeng敬橋孟王公列傳
2.0275Volume 5In Praise of Life of Grandfather Daozhen道振公行實序
2.0276Volume 5In Praise of Life of Grandfather Banwu班五公傳
2.0277Volume 5In Praise of Life of Grandfather Cenming成名公傳
2.0278Volume 5In Praise of Life of Grandfather Cenyi成一公贊
2.0279Volume 5In Praise of Life of Noble Lady Chen陳孺人節孝傳
2.0280Volume 5Eulogy of Grandfather Kejian克儉公唐家堰尾墓圖記
2.0281Volume 5In Praise of Grandfather Hengquan 50th birthday蘅泉馬先生五秩夀序
2.0282Volume 5In Praise of Life of Grandfather Hengquan太親翁蘅泉先生傳
2.02832.0284Volume 5In Praise of Grandfather Shiliang 60th birthday世良先生六旬夀序
2.0285Volume 5In Praise of Life of Grandfather Chengzi成梓公傳
2.0286Volume 5In Praise of Life of Grandfather Shihuang世璜公傳
2.02872.0288Volume 5In Praise of Life of Grandfather Guanghen光亨公傳
2.0289Volume 5In Praise of Noble Lady Xuan 50th birthday宣氏孺人五旬夀序
2.02902.0291Volume 5In Praise of Noble Lady Xuan 80th birthday馬母宣太孺人八十夀序
2.02922.0293Volume 5In Praise of Grandfather Tianpei 70th birthday天培先生七十夀序
2.02942.0295Volume 5Eulogy of Grandfather Tianpei天培府君墓誌銘
2.02962.0297Volume 5In Praise of Life of Grandfather Tiande天德先生家傳
2.02982.0299Volume 5In Praise of Life of Grandfather Xiankao先考行狀
2.03002.0301Volume 5Imperial Edict appointing Ma Yuan Yen in 1274 Eighth moon 13th day as the Assistant Officer of the Records Department of the Imperial Court綸音: 敕命: 宋史部侍郎 翰林学士 马元演. 咸湻十年八月十三日
2.03012.0303Volume 5Imperial Edict appointing Ma Yi Yuan in 1595 (Ming Dynasty) Fifth moon 17th day as the 8/9th level government official in charge of the police/sheriff department of the neihuang county in henan province敬天勤: 明將仕郎内黄縣典史 马一元 万𢟍23年五月十七日
2.03032.0305Volume 5Imperial Edict: Left Prime Minister Ma Ting Ying 1269敬天勤: 宋參知政事左丞相 马廷鸞 万𢟍23年正月二十七日
2.03052.0306Volume 5Preface to gift to Grandfather Beichuan贈北川公人覲序
2.0307Volume 5Thank you note to Grandfather Binhu on southern migration賓湖公遷南康倉曹贈言
2.03082.0309Volume 5Congratutory speech to Grandfather Binhu receiving an award奉賀賓湖公榮膺撫臺嘉奬書
2.03102.0311Volume 5In praise of Grandfather Shushang贈庶尚翁并引
2.0312Volume 5Epitaph on building Jianao Temple建嶴廟碑記
2.03132.0315Volume 5Miscellaneous Poems致仕自識 頌餘杭縣尊 奏疏
2.03162.0317Volume 5Petition by Official Ma Yiyuan吏部聽撥當該吏馬一元等 奏爲萬苦螻蟻壅滯日甚懇乞
2.0318Volume 5Geographic descriptions馬氏形勝
2.0319Volume 5Geographic descriptions蘭浦遊魚
2.0320Volume 5Geographic descriptions馬湖毓秀
2.0321Volume 5Geographic descriptions附錄光溪古蹟并八景詩敘
2.0322Volume 5Geographic descriptions古蹟; 綠野亭
2.0323Volume 5Geographic descriptions形勝; 頭陀石屋
2.0324Volume 6Key Ritual Dates重修馬氏宗譜卷之六: 祠祀禮目
2.03252.0326Volume 6Family Rules家範
2.0327Volume 6Fobiden Rules世禁
2.0328Volume 6Appendicies重修馬氏宗譜卷之末
2.0328Volume 6Errata on names補載先世名號并引
2.03292.0330Volume 6Errata補遺
2.0331Volume 6Postscript of Revision重修馬氏宗譜跋