To-Do list 2024-11
- Document and test (including WeChat) and potentially bugfix the Administrators’ “manage users” dialog usage in wordpress, and link it through “help” buttons to the dialog screen
- Check how to add new users who have not made a request (for requested additions, see previous item) using the same Administrators’ “manage users” dialog, and clarify the procedure through UI modification
- Document Administrators’ new user addition in wordpress and link through dialog “help” button
- TED: Investigate the differences in MacFamilyTree versions (we use v9, the latest is v10) and see if we want to upgrade. Currently – stick with v9. Need to check how v10 changes.
- DATABASE ONLY Currently the data flow pattern has been for Ted to maintain the latest version of the genealogy in MacFamilyTree v9, and then export a .GED file for import into the website database, and also to generate several .pdf reports and upload them to the website for users to download and view. We would like to change this workflow so that the website database becomes the primary source – including added users and information that users have modified themselves, and add the ability to export a MacFamilyTree v9 compatible .GED file from the database. This .GED file can then be imported to MacFamilyTree where the .pdf reports can then be generated
- Document the data flow procedures in wordpress, and link the documentation to an additional admin/GEDCOM level UI dialog where .ged export (or import) can be initiated
- DATABASE ONLY Add the ability for an individual to update their own details (and their parents, children, spouse?), and test that it is working correctly – this does not include family links. Also make sure that admin/GEDCOM level users can also do this. Make sure that admin/GEDCOM level users, and the user themselves can edit all user fields, including gender and ensure a gender-neutral option.
- DATABASE ONLY Document how an individual can update their own and close relations’ details.
- DATABASE ONLY Add the ability to edit relationships: parent <-> child, spouse <-> spouse and document this
- Fix CSS menu positioning problems which sometimes appear in chrome on PC (menus too close together), and test and fix other browser/platform combinations.
- DONE: Put together the Yellow butterfly data and forward it to Ted
- DONE: Complete the Chinese URL https://光溪马氏.com First was 503 Aarrhh! errors, later pages worked but images were broken. Now all fixed with renaming of .htaccess sub-files.
- Ability to send messages to all users, including email and a procedure for WeChat.
- Forgot password is not sending an email when it should, investigate and fix.
- Admin ability to see server logs, and debug, mail etc from the Admin UI, and also link to WordPress dashboard connection.
- Document how to edit and add pages in WordPress
- TED review MacFamily Tree with new Admin
To-Do list from 2021
TED will do:
Create Documents:
"Elder Xiao Kuan - Progenitor"
"Elder Zhong Shou, Bright Creek 1st Settler",
"Elder Yuan Yen - Imperial Court Mandarin",
"Eulogy to Elder Tian Pei",
"Yellow Butterfly",
Dixon Project: Ted with...
? 27 马材增, 29 馬材達
Announcement capabilities - mass mailing from admin email; mail merge
Blog functionality
Backup process
DEBBIE to do/coordinate:
Noble Lady Pai Yung Yue
all around helper :-)
Curating team task ideas:
- Interview family members about their memories of Pai Yung Yue (and Henry, childhood memories, celebratory traditions/foods, etc.)
- Alex/Margaret - reflections, Bio page
- Evelyn Pan Marr - Bio page
- List of biographical questions to ask upper generation - live interview, video recordings
============== DONE =============
Copy Editing DONE: Dianah
"Welcome 欢迎", -DONE; Final Reviewed by Ted
"欢迎 Welcome", -DONE; Final Reviewed by Ted
"Background Information", -DONE (Dianah)
"背景资料", -DONE; Final Reviewed by Ted
"Preface to 2021 - DONE, DIANAH 1/29
"Multiple Names", - DONE DIANAH 1/29
"Generation Names Lineup," - DONE DIANAH 1/29
"Counting Generations"-DONE; Final Reviewed by Ted
"House as a Branch"-DONE DM 2/7; Final Reviewed by Ted
"1948 Genealogy Discovery Story" - DONE DIANAH 2/7
"Names of Key Places and Geographic locations",- DONE DIANAH 2/7
"Tombs of 21st to 23rd Generations",- DONE DIANAH 1/31
"The Migration:Where Did Our Family Originate?", - DONE DIANAH 2/7
"Ningbo County Census Report, 1935", - DONE DIANAH 2/7
"Henry Marr - First Global Entrepreneur"- DONE DIANAH 2/7
"Pegasus Discovery Tour",-DONE; Final Reviewed by Ted
"Classical vs Modern Chinese",- DONE DIANAH 2/7
"Genealogy Tree & Reports", "家譜樹",-DONE; Final Reviewed by Ted
"Genealogy Tree Introduction"-DONE; Final Reviewed by Ted
"Original Documents", - DONE DIANAH
"原始文檔和翻譯",-DONE; Final Reviewed by Ted
"The Original 1948 Edition Documents", -DONE; Final Reviewed by Ted
"1275 Edition Preface",
"1411 Edition Preface",
"1514 Edition Preface",
"1532 Edition Preface",
"1580 Edition Preface",
"1623 Edition Preface",
"1847 Edition Preface 1",
"1847 Edition Preface 2",
"1884 Edition Preface",
"1916 Edition Preface",
"1948 Edition Preface",
Two Important Migration Document = "Origin of Family Name and Migration Documents", - s: - DONE Dianah
"1st to 26th Direct Line for Shi Liang Descendants from 1163-1948",
"Key Rituals, Family Rules, Forbidden Rules"
"Abridged Genealogy of Tian Pei and Evelyn",
"Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra Commentary",
"Acknowledgement",- DONE DIANAH 2/1
"致謝",-DONE; Final Reviewed by Ted